Saturday, April 18, 2009

Art Work

Nancy Trujillo
Invented to mark the beginning or the end of the territory? To keep
people in or out of the area? How effective are they? It depends on
what you want the out come to be. The perspectives vary when you stand
on opposite sides of the fence.

Pablo Castañeda
"Nocturno 3: Anochecer el Muro"
85x85 cm
Acrylic on Canvas

His painting represents the shadow of border what it relates his expressions of ideas. As well known and imagined in the wall frontier.

His allegory shows the scene domestic and the confusion on the border between our countries. There are the highway, the dessert, the custom and the tunnel. There is a stop sign because it´s very common. A wall exists on controversy. The freeway and some personages images unknown on the wall.

The Dante portrait picture mounts on the wall add some classic literary to the contemporary art piece.

Manuel Cruz
Digital Print
"Free McDonalds"
8in x 10in
Photoshop Illustrator
I remember crossing the border with my family to go just to eat at mcdonalds and the people I see in mexico go to just buy hamburgers cause its better than in mex. as I grew up I moved to Gilroy and started working in a processing plant and most of the workers were illegals and had two jobs to get by and most of them worked at mcdonalds, what brought my attention was that they were treated and discriminated by their peers who too were illegals so in the piece I show how ronald has the door open to cross into the usa, and like most people that cross they are going naked with nothing and how in my opinion the goverment lets people cross the border to work in the us every once in a while when workers are needed to do low paying jobs.

Jennifer Cuellar
"Coyote (Canis Latrans)"
16"x 20"
Graphite on Paper
I wanted to create a piece based on the idea of the "coyote," a smuggler of illegal immigrants from Mexico who is paid to guide said immigrants into the United States. I remember hearing about coyotes when I was around thirteen years old, and ever since then I've been fascinated with the anonymous aspect of the idea: who are these coyotes? What do they look like? This is my attempt to visually interpret what a coyote looks like: a belt-buckle-black-leather-boot-western-shirt-wearing-cigarette-smoker with no face.

Manuel Cuen
"Dreams in Red"
24"x 36"
Acrylic on Masonite
The US-Mexico border is policed and the effects of economic and racial discrimination on Mexican immigrants. La muerte en la Frontera. Sueños en rojo. Muerte y Sol.

Jorge Estrada
"A Shoe Under My Foot"
Born in Mexico and coming to United states as an migrant worker it made me to do my art work related to my past. I started working in the fields when I was seventeen years old since that time I saw the the migrant field workers were threaten as a slaves specially by their own people as the foremen and supervisors. Most supervisors are ass kissers of their boss and they try to please their boss doesn't matter if they hurt the workers. Most of the foremen are ass holes that want to please the supervisors and so on. In my work about field workers you can see how hard they work. You can see in this piece the lettuce cutters, packers, loaders and the workers that close the boxes with the stapler gun. Does not matter whether or distance they follow the harvest season letting their families alone while they move to other cities or towns.

Emmanuel Ferraes
22" x 15"
Mixed Media
For me the world is a place where surreal and ridiculous events happen all the time in real life. I deal with this madness by reordering it into a language that makes sense for me. While war, drought, and other awful things happen I feel that as an artist in this time it would be irresponsible not to paint and draw about issues that do matter.

Mayra Garcia
"Sketch #1: Papel Picado"
22" x 28"
Mixed Media
I've lived in Brawley for most of my life and have always been in and out of Mexicali and Tijuana. Until recently, I had never thought of the border as the "Border" since it has always been a constant in my life. Almost all of my family has been rooted in Mexico at one point or another. This is a sketch page, a view into my perspective of my family's history and mine, and how it interweaves with immigration; the "border" as a physical and emotional thing.

Elisa Guerrero
"Un Largo Trayecto"
30" x 22"
Acrylic on Paper
Es siempre un trayecto largo y complicado que conduce a un aparente paraiso. Individuos jovenes o viejos, fuertes o lisiados en el intento, esperanzados o desilusionados tratan de llegar una y otra vez a ese lugar de bienestar imaginado. Como quien asciende por una escalera, asi la gente sube por grandes barreras mirando hacia arriba, esperando llegar un dia al ansiado destino. No importa el riesgo y el dolor, el objetivo es terminar el trayecto que los conducira hacia una especie de cielo dentro de un infierno que los rodea y tantas veces los consume.

Stephanie Marin-Lepe
16" x 20"
Oil on Canvas
El Canal Todo Americano representa la ESPERANZA de realizar el sueño Americano para todos los que tratan de cruzarlo, pero no todos pueden ya que tristemente muchos quedan en el intento.
The All American Canal represents hope for many immigrants who want to reach the American dream trying to go across it, but sadly many people that attempt to cross it do not make it.

Miguel Ayala Priego
"Mr. Rotchild dijo: Cuando las calles se llenen de sangre compra propiedades a 5 centavos"
12" x 9"
Acrylic on Paper
La obra trata de la manipulación de los grupos de elite de poder mundial que utilizando el método Maquiavelo de que el fin justifica los medios , por lo tanto atravez del miedo y la muerte,se abaratan los territorios debido al terror para después comprar y apropiarse del territorio y después subir el valor de las mismas. y las consecuencias es que el la mayor parte del planeta es tercermundista. en conclusión la obra es de tendencia nihilista y niega todo idealismo o utopía ,habla de la supervivencia del mas fuerte y la muerte de los mas débiles, del darwinismo social como una realidad, de las razas dominantes y evolucionadas, del imperialismo desde Roma ,España, Inglaterra hasta los imperios actuales, con el pensamiento de que en la civilización siempre habrá un imperio ,siempre será la supremacía del mas apto. esa es la parte obscura de la naturaleza humanas y como dice Federico Nieztche : lo que mueve al mundo es la voluntad de poder”.

Irene Sanchez
"Soñe del Campo"
10" x 10"
Color Photo
Gabriel Sanchez was an immigrant, a farm laborer and my father. He taught me the value of hard work; it was what he knew since childhood and continued to do until his illness. Retired and ill, my father always looked back at those days in the field with high hopes of one day returning. This image is a piece from a series dedicated to a dream he once shared with me - a dream in which he found himself driving his tractor as he had done for over 40 years.

Ramon Garcia Vasquez
De la Serie "Los No Identificados del Desierto I y II"
Paper Mache and acrylic paint
Díptico de mascaras de cráneos basados en miles de migrantes no identificados que un día salieron de su lugar de origen para lograr traspasar la frontera y tras cruzar se enfrentan con la muerte originada por diostintos factores como la violencia, el hambre o la sed , y tras su muerte son olvidados a lo largo del camino del peligroso desierto.

Angelica Villaseñor
“Metamorfosis Humana”
“Human Metamorphosis
Metallic Acrylics on canvas
30" x 34"
I write and paint to channel all my emotions and frustrations positively. My paintings bring forth my honest and pure emotions; the ones that reflect the strength, and worthiness of a new generations of women.

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